Saturday, December 6, 2008

Digital Television Is Just A Few Months Away by STEVEN LANCEY


Digital TV is a means of transmitting picture and sound to your TV set. It is done by converting the pictures and sound into computerized bits of information and compressing it, then transmitting it from TV station transmitter to your TV set. The signal is then converted back into pictures and sound by your TV using a decoder. Digital TV provides sharper pictures and more channels to your regular TV. This is because the digital signal is compressed, meaning it takes up less space in the airwaves, unlike the analog system.
Where as the old analog system could only provide one channel per station, on Digital they can up to five channels of programming for each station. Nearly all PBS stations are taking advantage of this feature and offering a multi cast of educational programs along with the standard PBS network feed. The main benefit of Digital TV is the increase in picture quality; digital signals produce a much better picture and higher quality sound. Ghosting images and crackling pictures are a thing of the past, and the best bit is it's available to everyone.
In order to receive Digital TV on your television you will have to replace or adapt it (unless you have a recently purchased TV). By now all brand new TVs come with a built-in Digital tuner which means they are able to display Digital signals without the use of a separate box. If your TV doesn't have this feature then you will need to purchase and attach a converter box to your set.
Set Top boxes vary in costs ranging on average of $40 and up. The Government has launched a program where it will distribute two $40 coupons per household toward the purchase of these converter boxes. To apply call 1-(800)-DTV-2009 or go on-line at:
The Digital Switchover is happening on February 17, 2009. Some stations are signing their analog signals off early. Now is the time to get prepared. On that day the all remaining full power analog stations across the USA will cease to transmit. If you are not converted by then and receive your local broadcast stations by an antenna, then you will be left with nothing but static.

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